A platform for bold writers to express bold ideas – Letter from the Bold Ones, Issue 1, Volume 1

In the age where Stories and Reels barely last longer than a few seconds, more and more people turn to short-form content for their dopamine high. Scrolling is endless once you’ve fallen into the rabbit hole of Twitter, Tiktok, and IG. 

But through this tireless parade of short-form content, people’s attention will soon look for something to consume without having to scroll after just a few seconds. Here we imagine The Bold Ink to make a space in today’s conversations. Our articles are not quick readings. We want you to sit down, digest our words, chew on them, take a sip of your chianti or your whiskey while you think about what you just read, and then join the conversation by sharing the article with your friends (or rivals) for a spirited discussion. 

The Bold Ink is a platform for bold writers to express bold ideas. From the arts & culture, politics, education, and technology, The Bold Ink dares to become the platform where views are free to linger without the tension of judgment. We steer the voice of our platform toward kindness, rationality, curiosity, and creativity; conveying that cultivating knowledge of any kind and practicing discourse should be embraced. Some of our writings will not be easy to take. But can you imagine a world where the only things you can read are agreeable things? While we exercise our editorial discretion to avoid hateful, hurtful, and harmful ideas, we will always bring out the boldness in our writings–something we hope would spark lively debates among our readers. 

Politically, we are non-partisan. Though, we rely on reason, humanism, and creativity as our driving values toward a nation that salutes diverse views. Regardless of our writers’ motives, The Bold Ink aims to share accounts and narratives from different parts of the Philippines and the world, capturing eyes at topics that almost plead to be recognized. It might be the name that caught your attention. Or you clicked a link from one of the editors leading to this web page. Maybe, this was shared in one of the group chats you’re in—where like-minded people thrive. Regardless of your journey, we hope this visit won’t be your last. 

For our first issue, we selected writings that would define the kind of direction we want for the succeeding issues. Nothing that aims to go viral, but ones we hope would trigger discussions. We imagine you’d remember these pieces when you’re hanging out with your friends at a coffee shop or while having dinner where the food makes you wonder how cuisine is inevitably tangled with culture. Regardless of your journey, we hope that reading through our picks brings curiosity, understanding, and boldness to your existence.  So here are some stories and ideas that we think are best written with The Bold Ink. 

To Boldly Write Where No Ink Dares to Go,
November 2022.

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